Warning: This Entry Contains Sarcasm
My girlfriend (who lives in Canada) is visiting me in New York and wanted to see the UN. You know how those Canadians love the UN. So I agreed to go. Boy was that a mistake. That UN place is just filled with peacemongers. First of all, there was a statue of a gun with it's barrel all twisted up near the entrance, which makes it pretty clear before you even get inside that they are anti-gun. Obviously, they have no respect for the right to bear arms. Inside, they are all "landmines kill" and "nuclear bombs are bad." Man, what killjoys. Also, did you know that even though they are located in New York when you are on their property you are not in the US? If I had known that I wouldn't even have gone. They did have some really cool photos of atomic bomb explosions and displays of land mines. That was awesome. But I was disgusted to find out they offer tours in a whole bunch of different languages. That is so anti-American. I am glad that we have Ambassador Bolton there to tell the UN to FU.
If the UN was in the US, there would be more foreigners here, so in a way it's better.
The UN also has a lot of unpaid bills and cuz it's located in NY, guess who ends up paying for them? US citizens like you and me. Speaking of the UN as a foreign soil, what if you commit a crime and run onto the steps of the UN building? Does the NYPD still have the authority to arrest you? Maybe you should test this theory:o)
Um. The U.S. owes the United Nations more than $1.3 billion. But maybe you were being sarcastic...like Ryan was.
Yes, it's true, I was being sarcastic. I am actually a big supporter of the UN and it's mission. To be sincere for a moment, I actually found the trip to the UN quite inspiring.
It is also true that the US, among other countries, owes the UN a lot of money in membership dues. Unfortunately, of the 3.7 billion dollars the UN is supposed to receive from member countries this year, it has only received 0.7 billion.
As for committing a crime on UN headquarters turf, the UN has it's own security staff, the crime would be prosecuted in a US court. A baby born on the UN grounds would be considered a US citizen.
The moment in the tour when they display the amount of money spent on arms versus the amount spent on food is always shocking.
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