Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts, a Republican presidential candidate, is (according to the New York Times and NPR) seeking to quiet concerns among evangelicals about his religion. Romney is Mormon, a religion viewed with suspicion by many evangelical conservatives.
It seems that evangelicals are getting a little taste of how many of us view them - as being scary in their devotion to their religion and exhibiting a tendency to paint things in black and white.
How scary would it be to have someone in the White House who believes that God hand-picked him for the office, that God talks to him and, leads him in every decision?
Well, it would be about as scary as it is right now.
A religious extremist in the White House? Never!
Finally, you wrote something new. Sheesh. Where you been, huh? Jesus misses you.
I miss Jesus.
Actually, Jesus doesn't miss you. But I do.
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