I do sing-alongs for toddlers. And if there is one thing I can say about 1 to 3 year olds it's this; they love "Veggie Booty." Veggie Booty is some kind of organic grain that has been puffed up with air and is supposedly healthy. Kind of like a flavorless Cheetoh.
If, during the course of my sing-along, one child gets Veggie Booty from their parent or nanny, all of the kids start toddling or crawling or scooting over towards the grown-up dishing out the booty, gathering around like little piranhas. Once the booty is all dished out, the call "more booty" is heard and the grown-ups all start rummaging through their bags and strollers, trying to find more booty.
If no booty is found, the screaming and the crying starts, spreading like a rash from one toddler to another until I have a class full of toddlers crying, "Booty!" No offer of crackers or soy crisps or juice packs from the parents can pacify the angry mob.
After all, when you need booty, nothing else will suffice.
Hey, at least that's better than sweets which get them even more round up.
This is a very frightening story.
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